Seven Empires


Jerusalem's Last Humiliation

Map of Modern Jerusalem

The Invasion of Zechariah 14

In the previous pages  we have seen armies of the Islamic world advancing to destroy Israel. Zechariah 14 surveys this catastrophic invasion from Jerusalem's point of view. The Holy City is seized by the invading nations and humbled. We might compare Zechariah's vision with what we saw during Iraq's devastating 1990 invasion of tiny Kuwait. But in Zechariah's invasion one must also multiply the fury of the invaders, remembering that in spite of the current "peace agreements" there are broad areas of the Islamic world that feel burning shame and abhorrence of Israel, not peace.

Zechariah's vision leads one to believe the onslaught will not end the moment the enemy enters Jerusalem. It will continue for days, possibly weeks. The enemy will be so confident of victory they will divide their spoil right in the middle of Jerusalem. As is common in war, women will be violated. Another Jewish exile will begin.

 Mosaic Map of Rebuilt Jerusalem After Roman Victory

The Glorious Return of Messiah

But at the height of Jerusalem's disgrace the unstoppable foe will be pulverized, not by the hand of men, but by the LORD of Hosts and His heavenly armies. We are told that in that day the LORD, HASHEM, will stand on the Mount of Olives to the east of Jerusalem, the mountain from which Yeshua (Jesus) ascended into Heaven after His resurrection, and the mountain to which He will return, Acts 1:9-12. (Disciples of Yeshua the Messiah see this passage in Zechariah 14 as proof of His divine nature.)

A mighty earthquake will split the Mount of Olives into two, allowing Jerusalem's survivors to flee the city. Then the final battle, after which surviving nations recognize Israel and the LORD of Hosts. In that day the King of Israel will sit in Jerusalem and it will be the LORD alone and His name alone. The nations will come to worship the King in Jerusalem at the feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles). The Holy City will dwell in peace from then on. This picture corresponds well with the six prophecies we have already reviewed.

 Jerusalem Old City

1. The destruction of the invaders of Ezekiel 38-39 after which the nations know the LORD has saved Israel and after which Israel will know her suffering has been a result of sin.

2. The destruction of the armies of the King of the North in Daniel 10-12 after a time of terrible trouble for Israel, a resurrection of many takes place at this time.

3. The destruction of the ten invaders of Psalm 83 who then recognize that the LORD is Most High over all the earth.

4. The destruction of the fourth terrible beast with ten horns in Daniel 7. At this time the heavenly Son of Man will rule all people, the saints will inherit the Kingdom forever.

5. The destruction of the Islamic seventh empire of the seven-headed dragon of Revelation 12.

6. The destruction of the Islamic fifth empire of the statue in Daniel 2, the Stone smashes the feet and toes and then grows into a great, everlasting Kingdom that fills the earth.


We find another of God's wonderful promises to Jerusalem in Daniel 9:24-27. Someday, at the end of a period of seventy weeks of years, a total of 490 years, Jerusalem and Israel would forever be free from sin and transgression. Everlasting righteousness will be established. These promises have not yet come to pass, which tells us the end of the 70th week has not been reached. Many scholars believe this passage also has a vast time gap, just like Daniel 10-12.

Here the gap occurs after the 69th and before the 70th week of years. We are told a certain prince will strengthen a covenant with Israel when the final week of seven years begins, verse 27. However this prince will break the covenant and cause desolation after half of the seven year period. Half of seven is three and a half years, or forty-two months, the same time period of the terrible beast of Daniel 7, and the dictator-beast of Revelation 13. The prince of this passage in Daniel 9 is another vision of the final tyrant. Remember that Psalm 83 also mentions a similar deceptive covenant against Israel to destroy her, which is foiled by God.

Arabic Map of Region Including Jerusalem

Israel's Holy Temple in Jerusalem

There are indications in prophecy that the Jewish Holy Place for ritual offering on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be rebuilt. There are today Israeli Jewish groups dedicated to rebuilding it, and all Jews who pray in the synagogue beseech God for its speedy rebuilding. It may be that the Almighty will extend his mercy, miraculously, to convince Muslims to remove the Dome of the Rock structure and let Israel rebuild the Temple. Then too, it would be no surprise if a "comprehensive peace of the brave" included guarantees for the Jewish Temple. Moreover, the Chief Rabbinical Council of Israel has already petitioned Israel's government to be included in any multilateral peace talks on the status of Jerusalem. To our great sorrow, disciples of Yeshua know this call for "peace" and all its fruit is destined for bitter disappointment, for Scripture says that after faithful service of three and a half years, an abominable idol will be set up in the Holy Place, Daniel 11:31, Matthew 24:15. This event is believed by many to occur in the midst of the final week of years and is one of the signs of the desolation said to be caused by the final dictator. As in the days of the Maccabees, many Jews will be swept away and forsake Israel's covenant with God, including someone who apparently is a false messiah for Israel. This Jewish false prophet will have supernatural power, but not from the Holy One of Israel, see Revelation 13:11-18. This Jewish leader will be something of a prophet for the gentile king of the North. At the same time, other Jews in Israel will refuse idolatry and resist. Israeli disciples of Yeshua will flee according to the word of Messiah in Matthew 24. Still, after all the dramatic events of the seventy weeks, including destructions and desolations, Jerusalem will dwell in holiness and righteousness.


The Cut-Off Messiah

Long before that day however, just before the time gap begins, an anointed one, a Messiah, would be "cut-off" and have nothing. This term cut-off is found often in the Law of Moses and holds special meaning for the Jewish people. It speaks of being excluded from Israel, possibly including the meaning of death. This prophecy clearly says a Messiah for Israel was cut-off before the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple in 70 CE. Only one Messiah in those days was excluded from Israel by its leaders, that is, Yeshua. Jerusalem and Israel will one day meet all the divine standards of everlasting righteousness. As of yet this has not come to pass. Jerusalem, Israel and the rest of the world have fallen far short of God's glory. Nevertheless, a day will come when the mysterious cut-off Messiah will return to claim His rightful Kingdom, to establish everlasting righteousness for Jerusalem, Israel and all nations.


Syrians in End-Time Prophecy

Daniel 9 also says Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed by a certain "people" (the Hebrew word is am). Much later the wicked prince would arise from this same people and figure prominently in the terrible events of the final three and a half years. Many think this prince comes from a revived Roman Empire because Roman forces destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 CE. But Colin Deal notes on pages 24-25 of his book The Beast And The Arabs that the invading force was comprised not only of Italian Romans, but also Roman citizens from other nations, and other, non-Roman foreign units. The point Deal makes is this; many different "peoples" were Roman, including Jews, but were not Italians or Europeans. In the chapter of his book entitled, "Titus and the Syrians," Deal says we must remember that the Jewish Rabbi Saul—the Apostle Paul—was born a Roman citizen. The army commander of Acts 22:28 bought his Roman citizenship, he was not an Italian. In fact, Syria was a valued state in the Roman Empire and many Syrians were Roman citizens. Four Roman legions did lay siege to Jerusalem in 70 CE, but at least one legion was permanently stationed in Syria, and at that time-period up to 80 percent of the Roman soldiers were provincial citizens, not Italians. Also, the four legions were accompanied by local auxiliary forces which more than tripled the size of the prophesied invading army of 69-70 CE. They were not Roman citizens but were faithful allies, and many came from Syria. In Wars of the Jews Josephus gives details of the invading army and includes stories about Syrian Roman soldiers and Syrian auxiliary forces. So the cruel prince of Daniel 9 may easily arise from Syria, which supplied "people" who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple. This prince will meet his end by the Messiah.



The sum-total of these visions is described in Revelation 16:14-16 as the battle of the great day of God the Almighty. Here the invading hordes are staged in a broad plain in Israel at a location called Armageddon (either "City" or "Mountain of Megiddo"). Yeshua the Messiah, now glorified, will triumph over these invaders.

The first resurrection is part of this network of events. At the height of the invasion Messiah will descend from Heaven with a shout, and a blast of the divine rams-horn. All His faithful followers from Israel and all nations will be raised from their graves into everlasting life. Disciples who are still alive at His return will be transformed into everlasting life, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. The divine Conqueror is seen in Revelation 19:11-21 as "THE WORD OF GOD" with His heavenly army.

Zechariah the prophet also had a vision of this divine army as it worked salvation for Israel, which is found recorded in Scripture in chapter 12 of his prophetic book. Messiah's resurrected followers, who serve Him and are a part of His house, the house of David, will follow Him into battle. Afterward they will rule with Him in His Millennial Kingdom. Their subjects will be survivors of Israel and the nations. Following the thousand year, Millennial Kingdom on earth, there will be a general resurrection of all humans for their final judgment before God's great throne.


Jerusalem's Sin

Returning to the invasion of Zechariah 14, we must not fail to notice that the LORD Himself gathers the nations against Jerusalem. This invasion is not a surprise; it has been predicted for 2,500 years. The nations do not invade apart from the intent of Almighty God. Why would the LORD gather nations to capture Jerusalem, divide the spoil, assault the women and exile the inhabitants? This cannot be a sign of favor with the LORD but a sign of punishment, especially for disobedience by Israel's leadership. This is not a new, unexpected story. The Hebrew prophets, beginning from Moses our Great Teacher, have all warned Israel to expect terrible retribution for turning away from our covenant keeping God. But!!!, though God's chastisement be harsh, He will never obliterate the nation Israel. Wayward Israel, and especially Jerusalem—the capital city and the seat of leadership—will be punished for breaking faith, for denying Yeshua as King-Messiah. Severe chastisement is promised for all disobedient nations of the world, starting with the Jewish people first.


Unfaithfulness Considered Prostitution

Indeed, ten kings of Revelation 17 hate a harlot whose name is Mystery, Babylon the Great, also called the Great City. This unfaithful city is invaded, destroyed and burned, Revelation 17:12, 16-18. These short verses evidently describe the punishment of faithless Jerusalem by the ten invaders of Psalm 83, the same punishment as in the invasion of Zechariah 14. We must realize that in Ezekiel 16, written centuries earlier, the Jewish prophet portrayed Jerusalem as a harlot with daughters, verse 48, which would be destroyed in a similar way. Isaiah described Jerusalem as Sodom and Gomorrah and then cried out how the faithful city had become a harlot, Isaiah 1:10, 21. Isaiah and Ezekiel wrote these terrible things of their beloved Jerusalem at the same time that other pagan cities full of abominations, like Asshur or Babylon, were powerful capitals of pagan Middle Eastern empires. Rome was not founded until Isaiah's day, a thousand years after Abraham had been blessed by Melki-Zedek, priest of Jerusalem, so that contrary to popular teaching, Rome could not be the Mother of harlots, but perhaps a daughter. Revelation 17 is a solemn warning for unfaithful Jerusalem, even if it was written in the days when a great pagan Rome ruled.

This identification is strengthened in Revelation 11:8 where two prophets are killed in the Great City which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. Jerusalem is the city of Yeshua's crucifixion, here called Sodom and Egypt. It is no greater stretch of imagination for Babylon to be another name. And in Revelation both Babylon the Great and the city of the crucifixion are called the Great City. This willful Jewish City is the antithesis of the persecuted Woman of Revelation 12, whom we have seen as the faithful Jewish remnant. Revelation actually describes two simultaneous allegories in terms of Jewish Women: One of them holy and faithful to God in Revelation 12, One unfaithful to God and immoral, in Revelation 17 and following chapters.


Christian Map of Jerusalem of the Middle Ages

Jerusalem the Capital Involved with All Seven Empires

Jerusalem, as Israel's capital city, has been involved with the seven Middle Eastern powers, described as heads, kings and mountains, since the days King Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter in a political alliance. The first three of the seven powers, Egyptians, Assyrians and Chaldeans (Babylonians), are mentioned by name in Ezekiel 16. Beyond all that, for those who must have a literal fulfillment, the author has personally heard radio-tour programs on Israel's national radio "Voice of Israel" which said Jerusalem literally sits on seven physical mountains.

The Great City Ruling Over the Kings of the Earth

This Great City is said to rule over the kings of the earth, Revelation 17:18. What exactly does this mean? The following points must be considered. Unified Jerusalem has been declared the eternal capital of the modern state of Israel, though the present government of Israel intends to hold multi-lateral talks with all parties concerned with the city to achieve a comprehensive peace. 

Leaders of Roman Catholicism in the Vatican in Rome urge a special internationally guaranteed status for Jerusalem. Russia informed Israel that it has special interest in Jerusalem and must be included in any talks on the final status of the city. The Muslim world counts Jerusalem their third holiest city, the Arab League and Muslim League are deeply concerned with its fate. Palestinians want Jerusalem to be the capital of their Palestinian State. The United Nations proposes an international status for Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Post newspaper reported in April, 2000 that, "In 1999 the German presidency of the EU resurrected UM General Assembly Resolution 181 from 1947, with its internationalization of all of Jerusalem."  In fact, the book, The Jerusalem Question, Proposals for its Resolutions, by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel studies, lists more than fifty serious propositions by great world institutions on the status of Jerusalem. We could say Jerusalem rules over the rulers of the world. No groups as influential as these are concerned with any other city in any comparable way, and that includes the historical city of Babylon in Iraq. Also compare with the Apostles' words of Acts 4:24-28.


Turn Back to God!

All the prophets warned harlots to turn back, to repent, to seek their husband with a true heart. No better picture can be found than what was written in the prophet Hosea. Israel, pictured as an unfaithful wife, is called to return to the LORD. Unfaithful Jerusalem will be punished, but a humble, holy remnant will be preserved, Isaiah 4:2-6. Old Jerusalem will give way to New Jerusalem. God will fulfill His Covenant with this city, Ezekiel 16:60. Before then, the final invasion will break the power of Israel, Daniel 12:7. Deceptive treaties will have left her vulnerable. Then she will no longer be able to trust the arm of the flesh, her legendary military prowess. Scripture says;

A king is not saved by the multitude of a host; A mighty man is not delivered by great strength.
A horse is a vain thing for safety; neither does it afford escape by its great strength.
Behold, the eye of the LORD is toward them that fear Him, toward them that wait for His mercy;
To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Psalm 33:16-19.

Israel will be forced to seek the LORD for His supernatural salvation. When Israel cries out in final desperation to the LORD, He will answer. He will send His chosen King, the Conqueror.

This Redeemer, the "Arm of the LORD," was also portrayed by Jewish prophets as the King, humble and having salvation, riding a donkey into Jerusalem, Zechariah 9:9. Israel's Rabbis said in Sanhedrin 98a of the Talmud that,

If Israel is worthy, the Messiah will come riding the clouds; if not, he will come in the guise of a poor man riding a donkey.

Messiah has already come riding the donkey almost twenty centuries ago. Soon He will come riding the clouds of heaven. Israel was not worthy at His first coming and will only be worthy in God's sight when we humble ourselves and cry out to Him with all our heart,

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD, Matthew 23:37-39.

Let no other individual, city or nation gloat over Israel's punishment but fear. The Jewish prophet warned all nations, " Israel is holy to the LORD, the firstfruits of His increase: all that devour him shall be held guilty; evil shall come upon them, declares the LORD," Jeremiah 2:3. If God's beloved city of Jerusalem suffers for lack of faith, no one else will escape His judgement either. It is also written,

And it shall come to pass in that day, that I [the LORD] will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem, Zechariah 12:9.

Jerusalem will be punished, but afterwards a holy Jerusalem will be blessed.

There is no promise for a New Washington, a New Moscow, a New Mecca, a New Rome or any other city. Neither should anyone be haughty over the destruction of Islam. It is a warning to you to humble yourself and turn to God with all your heart.

In conclusion, we see the Islamic world portrayed in biblical prophecy as a great aggressor against Israel, and defeated by Almighty God. Though not excluding other regions of the globe, the spot-light is on the Middle East. Contrary to popular Christian teaching we see no sign of a revived Roman Empire and there are no other prophetic passages used to teach such an empire other than those which have already been mentioned. Many prophetic traditions of rabbinical Judaism which are based on four empires of Nebucadnezzar's statue instead of five also need to be dismissed as having missed the mark of God's plan.


The Past

The Future